LGBT Act - Marie Curie Fellowship

Minority politics, social movements and equal rights: the Italian inter-associative LGBT activism

La fabbrica dell'orgoglio

Una genealogia dei movimenti LGBT > ETS 2015

Politiche dell'orgoglio

sessualità, soggettività e movimenti sociali > ed. Massimo Prearo

This project has received funding from the EU’s 7th FP for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement n. 328404

a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship (IEF)
from september 2013 – september 2015
at the University of Verona

Don’t hesitate to contact us to get informed about the project and our last events.
Contact us >>> here

Minority politics, social movements and equal rights:
the Italian inter-associative LGBT activism

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Cover Fabbrica Orgoglio

La fabbrica dell’orgoglio

| Publications, Works | No Comments

Massimo Prearo, La fabbrica dell’orgoglio. Una genealogia dei movimenti LGBT, ETS 2015

family day prearo

La retorica anti-omogenitorialità

| Papers | No Comments

Verso il «Family Day»: pseudo-scienze al lavoro per attaccare «scientificamente» le famiglie «innaturali»

bacio sentinelle gender prearo

La matrice omofobica della crociata #nogender

| Papers, Works | No Comments

Una riflessione sull’omofobia e sull’eterosessimo del contro-pensiero #‎nogender su Global Project

Massimo Prearo

Massimo Prearo

Marie Curie Fellow

Massimo Prearo has been Marie Curie Fellow (2013-2015) at the Research Center PoliTeSse/Politics and theories of sexuality of the University of Verona.
He holds a PhD in Political Studies from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris. His dissertation examined the emergence of the LGBT movement in France.
He is also Co-director of the academic electronic journal Genre, sexualité & société.

"The intellectual no longer has to play the role of an advisor. The project, tactics and goals to be adopted are a matter for those who do the fighting. What the intellectual can do is to provide instruments of analysis, and at present this is the historian's essential role. What's effectively needed is ramified, penetrative perception of the present, one that makes it possible to lacate lines of weakness, strong points, positions where the instances of power have secured and implanted themselves by a system of organisation dating back over 150 years - that is the intellectual's role. But as for saying, 'Here is what you must do!', certainly not."

− Michel Foucault (1980)

"What I propose, therefore, is very simple: it is nothing more than to think what we are doing."

− Hannah Arendt, The Human Condition (1958)
milk verona corso

Diversi / Uguali – Corso di Formazione (Verona)

20 settembre 2016

verona gender prearo

“Giù le mani dai bambini”. Gli argomenti (pseudo)scientifici del discorso no-gender

27 maggio 2016

gay statale prearo

Milano: presentazione di Politiche dell’orgoglio e la Fabbrica dell’orgoglio

6 maggio 2016

politiche orgoglio prearo

Venezia: presentazione del libro Politiche dell’orgoglio

12 gennaio 2016

ILGA – Rainbow Map 2015
reflecting the national legal and policy human rights situation of LGBTI people in Europe




1. United Kingdom


2. Belgium


3. Malta


18. Ireland


32. Italy

With the support and participation of